Election of the FU Berlin Staff Council Dahlem (PRD)

Election of the FU Berlin Staff Council Dahlem (PRD)

Getting the FU Berlin back on course together!

Attract and retain colleagues through better working conditions!

Why new elections?

The Dahlem Personalrat (staff council) has initiated its reelection. Staff fluctuation affects various areas of the FU, including the staff council. As “ver.di – Offene Liste”, we see the reelection as an opportunity to expand our commitment to employees by integrating new ones. There are a number of employees from various areas of the FU who have offered us their cooperation and would like to get involved in the Dahlem staff council. We look forward to this collaboration and the new impulses.

Who we are?

We are ver.di, GEW and non-union members, colleagues from all areas of science support staff and research assistants.

We stand for:

Compliance with the collective agreement!

Every ship needs rules. At the FU, among other things, the collective agreement “Tarifvertrag der Länder” (TV-L FU), which is the result of tough negotiations, applies. Compliance with the collective agreement is also a top priority for the FU Executive Board – at least that‘s what we were told. We want to continue to work consistently to ensure that the FU as an employer keeps this promise in the next few years. We will use our right of co-determination to ensure that the collective agreement is implemented for the benefit of all employees.

Fair and transparent payment!

We stand for legally secure, collectively agreed wages for all FU employees, at all levels. This means equal pay for equal work. As “ver.di – Offene Liste” we demand: One workforce, one collective agreement. During our time in office so far, we have found that fair and transparent wages are not always guaranteed. Unequal treatment puts a strain on the working atmosphere. “ver.di – Offene Liste” actively seeks to improve transparency and equity. More appreciation for administrative employees for the benefit of all! We know from conversations with administrative staff that they want to support their colleagues across the university, but that they no longer have the necessary human resources. Our goal is to achieve greater appreciation and support for our colleagues in administration. This will benefit all FU employees. Employee applications must be processed quickly, continued employment and new hires must be implemented promptly. Requests for approval of higher groupings, the billing of business travel costs and the issuance of job references must be processed faster.

No more precarious working conditions!

We demand permanent positions for permanent tasks and an end to the chain of fixed-term contracts for scientific employees. The FU Berlin must offer freelance teaching staff, who don’t have any social protection and carry out teaching tasks for years, regular employment instead of yet another temporary teaching contract! We want to ensure that the FU concludes an employment contract directly with outsourced employees such as cleaning staff and security guards. We will pay particular attention to those in lower wage groups below group 5 and will advocate for remuneration that does justice to the rising cost of living.

Capital allowance for everyone!

The capital city allowance is paid in the state administration, but not for university employees employed by us. This exacerbates turnover and staff shortages. In the 2023 collective bargaining round, it was decided to regulate the capital city allowance through collective agreements. A capital city allowance for everyone has been a demand of ver.di and the staff councils since it was introduced in its current form. In 2022, the FU staff councils launched a corresponding campaign. We will continue to work together with other university staff councils in Berlin to ensure that everyone receives the capital allowance.

More work safety through more staff!

Each of us knows it. Staffing is scarce, there are no helping hands to hold the ladder or a colleague who can monitor the laboratory experiment. In the past, a large number of accidents at work, some of them serious, were caused by a lack of personnel. The shortage of staff also means that people are working longer hours and taking on more shifts. The risk of accidents increases with increasing stress and fatigue. We therefore see, among other things, the increase in staff as an important lever for greater occupational safety at the FU.

Employee-friendly working hours

We are committed to employee-friendly working time arrangements that guarantee self-determination in the workplace. This demands for both family-friendly and age-appropriate regulations that apply to everyone. Although the staff shortage must be counteracted, this must not lead to longer working hours and/or shifts. As the Dahlem staff council, we want to continue to ensure that violations of the Arbeitszeitgesetz (working hours act) are avoided. Working time regulations in favor of academic employees in qualification positions, such as the 50% regulation for their own qualifications, must be adhered to across the FU. Our goal is to consistently and competently represent the interests of employees in collaboration with ver.di and in exchange with the employees . Since December 2020, we have turned the steering wheel in the proper direction. Help us to continue on our course together! Go to the reelection and vote for “ver.di – Offene Liste”!